Monday, 18 September 2017

Please make sure you get caught up on all your stretchy sentences. You should have two weeks copied neatly into your writing notebook. On Mondays we will be writing our revised sentences in good, so you must have the week complete before you leave on Friday. It is your RESPONSIBILITY. Stretchy sentences cannot be taken home to complete. If you spell descriptive words incorrectly, you are not using your Book of Lists or a thesaurus. EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY.

Today's homework from Nelson Math should be easy. We have practiced how to represent numbers different ways quite a bit. We will be having a TEST on FRIDAY. It is important that you are playing the games sent home for practice. Sometimes the games are better at teaching concepts than pencil and paper homework.

Today everyone received a Prodigy account and the MathUp login information. Your Prodigy assignment is due on FRIDAY.

Social Studies
We reviewed some basic geographical knowledge today:

  • Continents
  • Oceans
  • Provinces / Territories
  • Capital Cities

Use the link below to review or learn the political regions of Canada:

Cross Country
Most of the class is training hard for the upcoming cross country meets. It is so hard choosing just one person each day. Keep it up!


  • Mass tomorrow at St. George @ 9:30 am
  • Several students have not submitted Agenda money. Please remit as soon as possible.
  • Multicultural day on Wednesday, September 20th. Wear a shirt / clothes that represent the country of your family / ancestors.

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