Thursday, 11 January 2018

Everyone came up with some wonderful words to describe Ivan. Remember, character traits differ from emotions because they don't change. When you are asked to write a trait of a character, you are thinking about what kind of person they are. Because you are stating your opinion, you are making an INFERENCE based on what you have read. Author's reveal the personalities of characters through their WORDS, ACTIONS and THOUGHTS. After you state your inference, you must use proof from the text to support your traits. Lastly, you must explain your proof using your own ideas.

We learn a lot about Ivan from his thoughts. He has a beautiful and unique perspective on life.

What is a simile?
Remember to write a simile about your character. Make your sentence as descriptive as possible.
The petulant little girl cried tears like water flowing over Niagara Falls when her mother wouldn't buy her a new doll.

Study your words for tomorrow!

Today we reviewed decimal tenths and hundredths. Please review your mistakes in your green math notebook. Remember counting up is like adding and counting down is like subtracting. Please complete the MathUP page in your green math notebook. You can use a number line or hundred blocks to count forward and backward.

We will review units of length tomorrow:

kilometre      hectometre      decametre     metre     decimetre     centimetre     millimetre
   km                  hm                   dam           m             dm                 cm               mm

Each unit is separate by a multiple of 10
1 hop is 10
2 hops are 100
3 hops 1000

1 m = 1000mm
1 m = 100 cm
1 m = 1dm

1 dm = 10 cm
1 dm = 100 mm

1cm = 10 mm

1 km = 1000 m

Social Studies
We began our chart showing different industries in the Interior Plains. Think about possible industries for the natural resources below:

Natural Resource
Primary Industry
Secondary Industry
Tertiary Industry
Quaternary Industry
wheat farming
·       bread making factory (e.g. Wonder Bread)
·       cereal factory (e.g. Kellogg)
·       Superstore
research to develop a drought resistant seed



  • Math test on decimals on Wednesday

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