Monday, 23 July 2018

Happy Fourth Week of Summer!
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Just a bit more review of fractions greater than 1 before we moved onto Probability. You read the fractions below as five halves or two and one half. Don't forget the "and" between the whole number and the fraction.

Image result for mixed fractions and improper fractions

Remember it is easier to divide rectangles into equal parts than circles. Any shape divided equally into the number of parts given in the denominator are correct. Rectangles are just easier.

To change an improper fraction into a mixed number, divide. The denominator stays the same. The remainder of the division problem is the numerator. If you have difficulty doing this, then draw pictures. Remember the denominator is the number of parts in each shape. The quotient (answer to division problem), is the whole number.
Image result for changing improper fractions to mixed numbers

To change a mixed number to an improper fraction multiply denominator by whole number, then add numerator to get the numerator of the improper fraction. The denominator is always the same. Again, if you find this confusing, draw pictures or use a number line.

Image result for changing mixed number to improper fraction

Simple game to play to practice recognizing equivalent fractions:
Games to play:

Hope you're having a fun summer!
Image result for summer melonheadz

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