Happy Weekend Magnificent Grade 4/5!
We're off to a great start. Most of you are following classroom routines beautifully. BRAVO!
Just a few observation regarding stretchy sentences.
- Make sure you are using your Book of Lists to expand your vocabulary. The more you flip through the book, the more you'll know where to locate jazzy words.
- Try to change the subject or topic of your sentence, the who. Don't just say boy, girl, man. Be creative. If your topic is a person be specific e.g. teacher, toddler, teenager, athlete, pilot etc. There are lots of ideas on the coloured pages of your orange duotang.
- Use the success criteria (I can sentences) at the front of your duotang to check your sentences BEFORE you hand in your duotang.
Today both grades did a question with a partner to assess what you remembered from last year.
Grade 4:
Let's say you chose the number 670
How do you say the number? six hundred seventy (that's 3 words). Do not use the word "and". When we move to decimals, you'll see that "and" represents the position of the decimal.
The easy way to represent your number with base-ten blocks is just how it appears on a place value chart .
What if we REGROUPED 1hundred block for 10 ten blocks? The representation would look like this:
So 670 = 5 hundreds + 17 tens
What if you regrouped one more hundred? How many tens would you have now?
What do these representations say about your number? Hmmm..... what do they mean. Well, you could say pretty much anything. For example, your number is an even number, it is closer to 700 than 600.... ( I can understand the confusion with this question).
Extend your thinking.....
Let's say you picked the number 903. Could you represent this number using just 10 blocks?
Can you represent 670 using just 10 blocks?
Grade 5:
Let's say you chose:
4500, 2620, 2338
You can use your place value chart and represent your numbers using base ten blocks. For the last number:
You could represent your number in expanded form using numerals:
2000 + 300 + 30 + 8
Which of the above numbers could you write using ONLY tens blocks. Well, there is one zero in tens. As long as there is a zero in the ones place, you can represent the number using just 10 blocks.
So 4500 = 450 tens
2620 = 262 tens
The last number has a 8 ones. Since 8 ones are less than 1 group of ten, you cannot express this number using ONLY ten blocks.
Which of the above number could you write using ONLY hundred blocks? Well, there are two zeros in 100, so only numbers with zeros in the ones and tens place can be represented with just 100 blocks.
So 4500 = 45 hundreds
I'm having difficulty accessing the MathUP student site, but you can try at home.
Go to the menu tab at the side, click grade 4 or 5, resources, digital games. The first game for both grades should be practicing representing numbers.
Thank you for you for completing all 4 diagnostic tests. Remember to work quietly with your group or independently when I am working with a group at the table.
- Back to School Evening Wednesday, September 13
- Cross Country practice Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays (practice on the weekends)
- Pink Emergency Information form
- $10 for Agenda
See you on Monday, Magnificent Grade 4/5 Minion!