Tuesday, 17 October 2017


We continued to summarize "The Halloween Kid". We are just finishing inserting our transition words. Tomorrow you will practice summarizing out loud with your group once we have decided on the important events. No reading groups tomorrow. We will focus on math review at home and have reading groups on Friday.

It's hard to be a supply teacher...... so many things to remember. It has come to my attention that you were told to hand in your Word Work duo-tang yesterday. We're back on track today. For homework, you should be completing words in alphabetical order, speed sorting (no written work) and red consonants, blue vowels. The exercises are expected to be as neat and tidy as the first week. Remember, don't memorize the words, learn the spelling patterns. Different letter combinations make different sounds and words change sometimes when endings are added.

Today we looked more closely at food chains. What do food chains normally begin with? What happens in a food chain? How do scavengers affect food chains? Make sure you finish your three food chains for tomorrow. Use the pictures in your textbook. Use each living thing only once.
Review the video. What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
Think of all the living things in the St. Nicholas habitat. Make a list in your agenda. We will make a food web including all the living things (well maybe not all of them). Is there a particular habitat in the world that you'd like to use to construct a food web? Make a list of all the living things. It will be your assignment next time we are on computers.

Physical Education
You must have appropriate gym clothes to participate in PE class. Many students were missing shirts or shorts or both. You cannot wear your uniform for PE.

Give the bread tag question to a parent, but instead of a bread tag use a penny. Complete your questions from MathUP carefully. Some require a little thinking.

Test on Thursday
Grade 4:

  • Describe how REPEATING, GROWING AND SHRINKING shape and number patterns continue and be able to create your own repeating, growing and shrinking patterns.
  • Includes growing / shrinking by the same amount and different amounts
  • Identify the core of repeating patterns.
  • Describing a pattern means writing the pattern rule (Start at _____, ____ each time)
  • Describe how the attributes of a shape patterns repeat
  • Follow pattern rules and make predictions based on pattern rules
  • Measurement patterns
  • Organize patterns using a t-chart or table

The pink pages in your MathUP are perfect for review.

Grade 5:

  • All of the above
  • Growing and shrinking shape patterns
  • Measurement patterns including recipes
  • Given a number pattern, express it as a shape pattern that grows in the same way

  1. Describe the pattern in the pattern train above and predict what block will be in the 30thposition.
  2. Create a repeating pattern using pattern blocks. Describe your pattern and predict what block will be in the 30th place.
Pattern blocks online:  http://mathies.ca/learningTools.php#Pp0
A local grocery store owner is setting up a display of cereal boxes as pictured to the right. It currently has four rows. He continues to add a row of three boxes to the bottom. How many boxes will be in his cereal box tower when it has ten rows? Explain your thinking.
cereal boxes, 3 rows of 3 boxes and 1 more on top

A pattern begins at 3. Choose an amount to keep adding to find at least the first 4 terms. What will be the 11th term? What do you notice about your pattern?  

  • Create a shrinking pattern where the 3rd term is 8.
  • Create a growing pattern where the 10th term is 100.
  • Create a pattern that grows but not by the same amount each time.
  • Create a repeating pattern that has a core of four terms.
  • Create a repeating pattern where the 4th term is a large red triangle.
Square Numbers
Square numbers are formed by multiplying a number by itself. They are called square numbers because they can form a square when drawn as an array of dots (see above).
  1. Create a table of values for this pattern up to term 10.
  2. Predict the total number of dots in the 20th term.

Grade 4:
http://www.mathk8.nelson.com/math4/quizzes/math4quizzes/m4ch1l5.htm (challenging)

Grade 5:

You don't have to do all the questions tonight. They are a good review for the types of questions you could have on the test.

  • Permission forms and money for Halloween bowling.
  • Practice SORTING your words.

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