Thursday, 9 November 2017

Today grade fours practiced naming different quadrilaterals. Please review the properties of each of the quadrilaterals. Some quadrilaterals have different names. Review using yesterday's post if you didn't get a chance.

Grade fives had lots of fun constructing triangles. Please the review the definitions of the different triangles. We will review their properties tomorrow. Review using yesterday's post.

Remember to get your homework signed by a parent.

Spelling test tomorrow. Make sure you return your blue notebook in your purple duotang tomorrow!

What were some of the different ways that HUMANS affect habitats?
We discussed eight different ways. Can you recall all eight?

Congratulations to students who presented their Power Points today. Your assessment rubric will be on your desk in the morning. Tomorrow six more students will be presenting. Remember to include in your presentation not just the name of the plant or animal, but its classification e.g. carnivore, decomposer, producer etc.


  • Remembrance Day Mass at St. Nicholas tomorrow @ 2:00 pm in the gym. Parents are welcome.
  • Test on angles next Tuesday.
  • Spelling Test
  • Return interview sheet
  • Progress Reports go home tomorrow

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