Sunday, 12 November 2017

I hope you took a moment yesterday on Remembrance Day to thank all the men and women who sacrificed their lives for us and those that continue to serve to keep peace throughout the world. Here is a picture of the fly over in Ottawa at the National War Memorial. Prime Minister Trudeau was not present, he was at conference in Asia.
This is a picture of the ceremony in London.
All the rock stories are published and on display in the classroom. They do look lovely when they are polished and typed, but writing is about the entire process. Prewriting (brainstorming), drafting, revising, editing and publishing are all important. Notice how the drafting is circular. Revising may happen MANY times. So far we have had teacher review.
We still have too many students who are not completing their word study activities throughout the week. Again, it is great to get perfect on a spelling test, but are you really learning the word patterns and rules? Word stars are students who are completing their practice. Editing your stories I noticed so many examples of not dropping the final e or not doubling the final consonant or not using a letter pattern that showed a long or short vowel sound. This is the real test that you are LEARNING about word patterns. It takes time and effort to improve spelling and that is something that you are ALL capable of doing.
Grade 5 please learn your triangle and polygon properties. Classify the triangles using their angle size AND their side lengths. The first triangle is a right-angled isosceles triangle. Use a ruler and a protractor name each triangle. DON'T GUESS!
I thought this diagram was clever...

Grade 4 please practice sorting your quadrilaterals ONE PROPERPTY AT A TIME.
Both grades will be having a test on angles on TUESDAY.
Grade 5 you will be asked to:
Measure angles to the nearest degree
Construct angles to the nearest degree
Classify angles as acute, right or obtuse in isolation and  INSIDE POLYGONS
Grade 4 you will be asked to:
  • Classify angles using benchmark angles (half a right angle, right angle, straight angle in isolation and INSIDE SHAPES)
For example in the trapezoid pattern block:
Two angles are greater than half a right angle but less than a right angle
Two angles are greater than a right angle but less than a straight angle
  • Measure angles to the nearest 10 degrees (e.g. 40 degrees, 120 degrees)
  • Construct angles to the nearest 10 degrees (e.g. 90 degrees, 60 degrees)
Next week we will talk about how adding or losing a species in a habitat affects the entire habitat. We talked a little bit about this when one student mentioned about INVASIVE SPECIFIES. Do you remember what that means?
What invasive specifies is this? Many trees were cut down because of it.
This week we will also start a class chart on how habitats change naturally and from human activity. It is a very long list of ways and an even longer list of consequences. But remember nature is a wonderful thing. If a habitat changes, SOMETIMES over time what MIGHT the plants and animals do?

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