Today we continued discussing decimal tenths. We also linked decimals to fractions (a bit of a leap for some). Several students are struggling with decimals. Please review the decimal place values. Decimals are less than 1 whole so they are to the right of the ones place. A decimal (.) separates the ones and the tenths.
If you are having difficulty, start by writing a few decimals and reading them. If you can read them correctly, then the place value is easy. The decimal is read as AND. For example:
0.7 seven tenths
9.3 nine AND three tenths
Here's a game to help with decimal place value (it does go to thousandths):
Today we reviewed the importance of a variety of macro and micro nutrients to our today.
Great website:
Social Studies
The climate in the Interior Plains is different than that of the Cordillera. What is a chinook?
Many students are still having difficulty reading climographs. Look at the climographs below. What conclusions can you make?
- Intermediate garage sale tomorrow
- Red and green day
- Craft day on Thursday morning
- Pajama and movie day on Friday
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