Monday, 4 December 2017

Week 3 no Smart Board......

We will be doing the practice exercises for our words at school. At home you are to practice your word sorts / blind sorts EVERY NIGHT.

Make sure you understand the patterns when dividing numbers that are magic tens. When we multiply we add the zeros, when we divide we subtract zeros. Complete the worksheet and solve these problems in your notebook:

1.  About how many servings of fruits and vegetables do students at St. Nicholas (333 students) eat in one month?

2.  About how many Play Stations would you have to sell to make $100 000?

Use CUBES to help...

Make sure you show all your steps and list your assumptions.

Today we talked about a new year..... why was it a new year on Sunday? Think about the words of Sunday's gospel, "Be on your guard, stay awake, because you never know when the time will come."
What do they mean? What does Advent mean? How do we prepare for Advent?

Please practice your readings for mass on Wednesday!

Social Studies
Think about these questions for tomorrow...
Why do people live in the Cordillera? What jobs and recreational activities are related to the physical features of the Cordillera? Recall the physical (landforms) features of the Cordillera.


  • Permission form and money to see "The Star" this Friday.
  • Permission forma and money to see "Alice in Wonderland" next week.
  • Science project... gather materials including a box and make your creature.

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Happy Sixth Week of Summer! So far we have looked at the chance something could happen in terms of words (e.g. likely, impossible, unlik...