Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Today we focused on Mack, the keeper of the animals at the mall. Some students thought Mack was positive, determined and hardworking, while other students thought he was cruel. As long as you have proof from the novel to support your INFERENCE, both are acceptable. Remember a character is revealed through his/her WORDS, ACTIONS and THOUGHTS.

Word Study test tomorrow.
I will be giving you a list of words to make plural with your word study test. Remember the rules for words that in in y, ch, sh, x, s, o and irregular plurals.

Please make sure your "Changing Units of Length" is done for tomorrow. I know it looks long, but most students finished the practice in 10 to 15 minutes.
This is what we will begin tomorrow:

Test on units of length will be NEXT WEEK.

Social Studies
Progress on the brochures is slow. Sometimes it is the computers, sometimes it is not using class time wisely. If you'd like to stay after school next week on Tuesday or Wednesday for an hour to finish up, you are more than welcome!

Complete your chart on the physical features of the Arctic. Before this unit, did you think of the Arctic as a highland region?

Climate and natural resources tomorrow.

Some groups have finished their label comparison. Some groups have not due to illnesses in the class. Be patient, cold and flu season has swept into the classroom with a vengeance . Hopefully it will leave soon!
Learning Skills
As we approach the end of the term, we are working very hard to complete big assignments. It is important that you do not interfere with the learning of others. Persistent social talking is negatively impacting some groups in the class. BE RESPONSIBLE and SELF-REGULATE.


  • Dress up as your favourite Disney character tomorrow. If you'd rather not, it's a regular uniform day.

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