Monday, 26 February 2018

Today we discussed the prefix "dis". When "dis" is added to the beginning of a word, it changes it to the opposite meaning of the a base word. For example, appear means to make known or see but disappear means to vanish.

We also began writing our Olympian biographies using Google Docs. Make sure you share your document with me and click "comments" so I can give you feedback. If you are still missing information about your athlete you must complete the research before writing your biography. Remember....
Paragraph 1

  • Lead sentence (grabs reader's attention)
  • Background information (including family)
  • Early life

Paragraph 2

  • Accomplishments 

Paragraph 3

  • Interesting facts
  • Closing sentence 
In math we continued using our mental math strategies to add and subtract. Tomorrow you have a test on time. PLEASE REVIEW USING QUESTIONS POSTED ON BLOG ON THE WEEKEND.

Our gospel reading for the second week of Lent was the TRANSFIGURATION. What happened when Jesus took Peter, James and John up the mountain. Why did he bring them there? How will you climb your mountain during Lent to grow close to Jesus? Share with a parent what you would do and say if Jesus appeared to you.

Image result for transfiguration

Tomorrow we have our last newspaper clippings to add to our scrapbook. Make sure you have collected enough on your athlete, sport, country and Canada. 

We began our new Science unit today, Properties of  Matter. Throughout the unit we will be conducting investigations and learning the steps used during a science experiment or investigation. Many of you knew these three states of matter, but did you know there are others? What are these three states?
Image result for states of matter
These are the other states (very uncommon, but they do exist). We will not study them.

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