Thursday, 1 February 2018

Wow, Ruby stood her ground today and we all cheered! Do you remember the seeds of hope that Julia planted?

Before we move onto Number Sense in Math, we have to finish time. If you are not very good at telling time on an ANALOGUE clock (a clock with hands), here are some games to practice:

Finish your Mathletics assignments!

Last group to present tomorrow. Remember the importance of using body gestures and showing expression with your voice and face.

Social Studies
Today we summarized the physical characteristics of the Canadian Shield. Some key ideas you should remember for today.....
Is the Canadian Shield a good area for farming?
Where are deciduous forests? Why?
How do the physical features affect what the people do in the Canadian Shield?

Phys. Ed.
So many wonderful gymnastics routines. We will watch the rest next week.

The Winter Olympic Games begin next week. Check our the CBC website. Choose a Canadian athlete to report on at the end of the games. What Olympic sport are you most interested in learning more about? Choose a sport that you're not familiar with.

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