Saturday, 31 March 2018

On Holy Thursday Jesus gathered with His apostles to celebrate the Passover meal. Do you remember the meaning of all the food on the Seder Plate? What does the Feast of Passover commemorate? What event do the Jewish people remember?
Image result for seder plateImage result for pita bread

What is missing?

After Jesus celebrated the Passover, He did two very important things. Do you remember? Look at the pictures above? Why did He do them?

From the Upper Room, Jesus and His disciples moved to where? What happened?
Image result for Jesus garden of gethsemane eventsImage result for Jesus is arrested

On Good Friday we remember the Passion of Jesus. He died on the cross for us because He loved us.
Image result for good friday

On Easter we celebrate His resurrection.
Related image

Next week we will learn what happened to Jesus' disciples after His resurrection. Here is the first Easter story.....
Image result for at the tomb easter morning disciples

The Stations of Cross performance was excellent. So many people were truly moved by your presentation. BRAVO!


  • Bring materials for insulating device
  • Mathletics assignments (2 if you've been keeping up)

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Sometimes Holy Wednesday is called "Spy Wednesday". Why is it called this? Who was in the scene we watched today?
Image result for spy wednesday

Today we discussed the different ways to show multiplication:
  • Array
  • Repeated addition
  • Skip counting
  • Equal Groups
  • Number Line
  • Word Problems 
Recognizing a multiplication word problem is very important. It is a problem that involves many equal groups. For example:
  • Packages of items (the number of items in each package is the same)
  • Purchase of many of the same item (bought 3 boxes of cookies)
  • Comparing two amounts (someone has 4 times as many)
We also touched on making conclusions from graphs. Hopefully tomorrow we will finish the conclusions from our double bar graphs.

  • Wear / bring black pants and top for stations of the cross. There should be no writing on the shirt. Wear navy if you have no black.
  • Off uniform tomorrow

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Most students finished their math test.  I will leave unfinished math tests with the supply teacher. Tomorrow we will begin multiplication. Practice those facts. Everyone was assigned TWO activities to do on Mathletics. They are homework!

Just a few reminders...
This is a fact family. All the different multiplication and division equations you can make with three numbers.
Image result for fact family multiplication and division

When we multiply numbers by 10, 100 or 1000, we multiply the related fact, then add the correct number of zeros.
For example, 6 x 700 = 6 x 7 = 42 +00 = 4200

Amazing work on the stations. One last practice tomorrow and then Thursday is the presentation. Everyone looks very comfortable and confident. Congratulations! Remember to wear black.

We reviewed variables and the different kinds of variables. Hopefully tomorrow we will have time to conduct our investigation on ABSORBENCY. It is an example of a property of matter. Make sure you know and understand the following for the investigation:


If you do not control all the variables but one, you will not have a FAIR test. If you do not understand the meaning of these words please watch the video below:

Keep bringing in your materials for your insulating device.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Math test tomorrow. Review the last set of yellow pages in your MathUP duotang and exercises completed in your notebook. Problems you have done incorrectly, should be redone to make sure you understand. Remember the different adding and subtracting strategies we discussed throughout the unit.

This week marks the holiest time of the year for Catholics. Yesterday was Palm Sunday / Passion Sunday. What happened on Palm Sunday? Why was Jesus travelling to Jerusalem? Where did Jesus grow up? On Passion Sunday we remember the the suffering and death of Jesus. It starts from the early hours of the morning on Friday in the Garden of Gethsemane to His death on the cross and finally to Jesus being put in the tomb.
In this seven minute clip, we see Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem in four different movies.

Image result for palm sunday

Today is Holy Monday. There is only one place where mass is being celebrated in the London Diocese. Do you remember where? Do you remember who is celebrating mass? What happens at this mass? Look at the pictures below to refresh your memory.
Image result for bishop ronald fabbroImage result for st. peter's basilica london ontario
Image result for holy oils
When do we use the Oil of the Sick? Oil of the Catechumens? Holy Chrism?

  • Stations of the Cross on Thursday @ 1:15 pm at the school. Wear all black if possible and bring a white shirt for the last station. We will be practicing again tomorrow. Thank you for the responsibility you showed today in the gym.
  • Keep bringing material for your insulating device.
  • Math Test tomorrow morning.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Related image
Please complete these 8 questions in your notebook. Remember to show your work. Try to use different strategies to solve the questions, particularly those that involve subtraction. For example, use an algorithm to solve one subtraction problem, a number line another and making an easier question for another. 
Extra practice for test. These are not homework questions.
Grade 4:
1. What calculation would you do to solve each problem below? Do not find the answer. Explain why you chose the operation you did.
    a)  You have $38 and you need $100.
         How much more money do you need?
    b)  You bought a $37 item.
         How much change will you get back from $50?
    c)  You bought a $42 item and a $38 item.
         How much did you spend altogether?
    d)  There are 5138 people in one town and 2148 people in another. 
          How many more people are in the bigger town?
    e)  Your dad is saving for a new TV that costs $1299.
         He has saved $460. How much more money does he need?

2. a)  You bought a $48 item and got $12 back in change.
         How much did you pay? Show your work.
    b)  You bought an item. You paid $80 and got $13 back in change.
         How much did the item cost? Show your work.

3. a)  Create a problem that could be solved by adding 4100 and 3900 and then subtracting 2200.

6) How much money?

Grade 5
1.  Calculate each sum.
a)  234 + 485
b) 582 + 832
c)  1248 + 1884
d) 13 145 + 38 889

2.  Estimate each sum.
a)  227 + 586
b) 3196 + 4856
c)  4817 + 74 924
d) 42 198 + 53 429

3.  Calculate each difference.
a)  485 – 298
b) 832 – 586
c)  2417 – 1077
d) 38 111 – 28 465

4.  Estimate each difference.
a)  586 – 227
b) 4856 – 3298
c)  74 924 – 4817
d) 53 429 – 42 198

8. Show $153.35 using least number of bills and coins. Show it two other ways.

9.   Read each problem. Write the calculation you would use to solve the problem. Solve the problem.
a) An orchestra has raised $12,300 for a cello that costs about $20,000. About how much more money do they still need?
b) A professional cello costs $18,959. The bow costs $3100. What is the cost for both?
c) A travelling case for a cello costs $2528. How much more does the $3100 bow cost than the case?

10. Create two very different-sounding problems that could be solved with each computation.
a) 12 100 – 5672
b) 32 148 + 9500

  • Complete all Bell Work, Word Study and Bar Graphs (most have finished).
  • Study your words
  • Gather material for your group insulating device (Thursday)
  • Stations of the Cross on Thursday @ 1:15 pm. Wear black.
Excellent job with your buddies during Mass. The patience and kindness you show your buddies is amazing!
Image result for amazing job

Thursday, 22 March 2018

There seemed to be a little confusion about the strategies to use to calculate the change. My apologies, sometimes it's difficult for a supply teacher to understand the classroom teacher's expectations. When you calculate change, make sure you can do it using two different strategies (not including the good old-fashion algorithm).

Strategy #1 is adding up using a number line.

Strategy #2 is making an easier question by shifting the difference.
   $40.00 (-1)  $39.99
- $28.55 (-1) -$28.54
There was a third strategy mentioned in the textbook, subtracting in chunks. We didn't really go over this method, but if you understand it and it works for you, then feel free to use it!

Please complete the following review questions for homework in your green math notebook. DO NOT USE A CALCULATOR. Feel free to use an adding strategy or use an algorithm (pencil and paper).

Winter Olympics Double Bar Graphs:

If you have not recorded your data for your bar graphs, it can be found at:


Country of Choice

One of the bar colours would be Canada, the other bar would be your country of choice.
The horizontal axis would have the different medals.
The vertical axis would have the number of medals.
Choose an appropriate title.



One of the bar colours would be men, the other bar would be women
The horizontal axis would have different medals.
The vertical axis would be number of medals.
Choose an appropriate title.
Don't worry about "X", means team sports.

Canada (Total Medals)
Country of Choice (Total Medals)
Figure Skating

Free Style Skiing


Alpine Skiing

One of the bar colours would be Canada, the other would be your country of choice.
The horizontal axis would have the different sports (you can use any sports, I just chose these ones)
The vertical axis would be total medals
Choose an appropriate title.

Today in Science we talked about VARIABLES. What are variables?
Image result for variable definition science

There are three different kinds of variables:
Image result for variable

Why are variables important when you are conducting a fair test? Think about all the variables you controlled today when you conducted your fair test using the basketballs. Be ready to record them in your notebook tomorrow. Everyone did an excellent job today recording and performing the investigation. All groups recorded their results e.g. ___ basketball bounced higher. But what CONCLUSIONS can you make? Hmmmm  Conclusions are what you learned. Usually something useful. Why would knowing which ball bounces higher be useful?
Image result for fair test
An interesting question came up today about why one ball bounced higher. Do you know why? We tried to control all the variables except the type of ball. Think about the different forces acting on the ball as it is dropping.

We also talked a little bit about INSULATING DEVICES. What  is an insulator? Any material that does not conduct heat very well or materials that don't let heat pass through them.  What kind of materials are good insulators? We will conducting a fair test comparing insulating devices of different groups. Start looking around the house for materials that are good insulators. Your challenge is to keep a warm cup of water as warm as possible for 10 minutes.

Word Study
We have had so many students away, that we will not have our word study test tomorrow. We will have a period to get caught up with bell work and word study. For those that have all their work completed, you will have a STEMS challenge tomorrow.

Image result for ketchup bottle

  • School mass tomorrow at St. Nicholas @ 2:00. Everyone is welcome.
  • Stations of the Cross next Thursday, March 29th @ 1:15 pm. We will be presenting this important and holy service to the school. Everyone is asked to wear black. We will continue to practice tomorrow. Everyone did a wonderful job today.
  • Store your indoor shoes neatly at the end of the day and keep your personal belongings organized. Thank you!

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Who is a person you look up to? Make sure you think about someone that you look up to and reasons for admiring that person. For example....
The person who I always looked up to was my mom. My mom was a loving and compassionate person. She comforted me when I was upset and was always there when I needed help.

Each reason has an explanation. You need at least two reasons and at least one explanation for each. As well, you need an opening and closing sentence.

If you did not complete your word work for today, make sure you get it down tomorrow with the supply teacher.

Remember to do your word sorts at home.

Today we looked up some statistics for our double bar graphs. You are going to construct three double bar graphs:
Graph 1: Comparison of gold, silver and bronze medals between Canada and a chosen country.
Graph 2: Comparison of gold, silver and bronze medals between Canadian Men and Women.
Graph 3: Comparison of 4 Olympic events (total medals) between Canada and a chosen country.

Look at the example below. There are titles and labels on each of the axes and the colours of the bars are given in the "legend" or key.

Image result for double bar graph

Play your new math game to practice addition. Don't forget your Mathletics assignments!

It was difficult to complete assignments today because many students were involved in either hockey or the bake sale or still away on vacation or sick. We started the day with 10 students out of the class! Hopefully tomorrow we will be back to normal!


  • Bring any costumes or props to complete your iMovie Trailer. I am away tomorrow at a meeting so you will be given some time to complete this assignment. BE PREPARED. Those that were away before the March Break will be in a group on their own.
  • Thank you everyone who supported the bake sale.
  • We will finish determining the parts for the Stations of the Cross on Thursday.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Image result for welcome back
Today we began word study again. We forgot to include word study for homework. Please make sure you bring your duotang home tomorrow.
Word Sort:
Some of the daily exercises are a little different. Remember the practice exercises  in your blue notebook are done in the morning after bell work.

Finish making corrections on your biography on your Google Drive. By far the most common mistake was not using capital letters. In terms of content, many of you need to do a bit more research on your athlete. It is a biography, so you need facts about your athlete.

We made quite a few conclusions about the properties of solids, liquids and gases today. 
How are the particles arranged in each of the states? 
Particles are always in motion. Why do the particles in a solid move the slowest or vibrate only? 
How are the particles arranged in liquids? gases? 
What conclusions did we make about the volume and shape of liquids and gases using the syringes?

Look around the house for THREE substances. Write down the mass or volume.
What characteristic do substances have that are measured in mass? 
What characteristic do substances have that are measured in volume (capacity)?
What is the difference between volume and capacity? 
What are the common units for mass? volume? capacity?
What is the relationship between volume and capacity? 

These are questions you SHOULD be able to answer.
Which image is a solid? liquid? gas?
Image result for particles in solid liquid gas animated
Today we reviewed different ways to estimate. Remember, you don't always have to round both numbers. Sometimes it is easier and more accurate to just round one number.

Addition and Subtraction Test next Tuesday, March 27th. It will also include counting money. Please practice your adding and subtracting using the square games in your math bag (no calculator). You can also practice counting money. I did not take out the other games. You will have one more game to help practice adding and subtracting tomorrow. 

We constructed our first double bar graph. We will continue this tomorrow using data from the Olympics.

Finish your Mathletics assignments!

Everyone worked very well today..... excellent for the first day back! If you missed today, please make sure you speak with some reliable to get caught up.

  • Bake sale tomorrow...... bring your loose change (don't bring too much, it is Lent)
  • Bring your Phys. Ed clothes 
  • We will be presenting the Stations of the Cross next Thursday. Tomorrow we will begin rehearsals. Let me know if you'd like a speaking part.
Image result for stations of the cross

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Image result for happy st. patrick's day animated
Here is a little history about the story of Saint Patrick (3 minutes). It's very entertaining and interesting.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Image result for happy friday
Hope everyone had an enjoyable and restful March Break!
If you have some time, please complete your Mathletics assignments for Addition and Subtraction.

Try to learn your "squares". When you multiply a number by itself, it is called the square of the number.

1 x 1 = 1
2 x 2 = 4
3 x 3 = 9
4 x 4 = 16
5 x 5 = 25
6 x 6 = 36
7 x 7 = 49
8 x 8 = 64
9 x 9 = 81
10 x 10 = 100
11 x 11 = 121
12 x 12 = 144

  • Bring your gym clothes for Tuesday.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Image result for happy march break
Hope everyone is having a great March Break. For those of you interested in working on some math...
Addition and Subtraction Skills (this unit):
Estimation - round numbers to estimate sums and differences. Why is it important to estimate? Estimation is a good way to check if your sum or difference is REASONABLE (it makes sense).
Adding - There are many ways to add. We looked at two ALGORITHMS. For example...
Subtracting - You can use an algorithm
You can add up using a number line
 You could also make an easier question by adding or subtracting the same amount to both numbers
12 000  (-1)   11 999
- 5479   (-1)    -5478

When you subtract 1 from both numbers the subtraction is easier because there is no regrouping.

Grade 4 are expected to add and subtract four-digit numbers, grade 5 five-digit numbers using a VARIETY of strategies. You may prefer one strategy over another and that's okay. But make sure you are able to arrive at the same answer using a different strategy. It's a good way to check your answer, not just if it is reasonable.

Solving Addition and Subtraction Problems:
The most important skill is knowing when to add and when to subtract.
Adding to solve a problem usually is about find the total or combining two amounts.
Use subtraction to solve a problem if you have to:

  • Find out what is left 
  • Compare two numbers
  • How much more is needed to get to a number
Some problems you have to use BOTH addition and subtraction (2 -Step).

One strategy we used is using a model when you know the sum of two numbers and difference, but not the actual two numbers.

For example:
6760 books were checked out of the library on Friday and Saturday. 800 more books were checked out on Saturday. How many books were checked out on each day?

3380 (half of 6760)
3380 (half of 6760)
3380 – 400 (half of 800)
3380 + 400 (half of 800)
3780 books were checked out on Saturday and 2980 were checked out on Friday.

            3780               3780
         +2980              -2980
            6760                800

Try to figure out this grid:

Creating Addition and Subtraction Problems:
What subtraction problem could you make using the following information:

Create a word problem that involves adding two 4-digit numbers and getting an answer of 5000.
Make up two different word problems that involve using 2000 - 1200 to get the answer.


  • Don't forget to work on your Mathletics assignments!
  • Practice your multiplication facts

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Remember when you write your news article you have to have SPECIFIC details about the athlete, event or team, such as times or scores. Try to find a quote, something your athlete said after he/she won. You can find them online!

Most students worked very hard to complete practice questions in math. You only have to complete one page of your turn questions. Tomorrow you will be given time to finish the rest. I have also left instructions for the supply teacher for volunteers to lead the number talk. Do you remember the order of steps in a number talk? I will also leave a few games for you to play with a partner.

From your investigation, you should have determined that the volume and capacity of a container are the same. For example if the volume of your milk carton was 500 cubic centimetres, then the capacity is 500 ml because 1 cubic centimetre = 1 ml
Image result for 1 cubic centimetre equals 1 millilitre
Make sure you read your book about matter carefully. It has almost all the information you need to know about matter for our unit. You will have 10 multiple choice questions and the written question will be 5 features or characteristics of non-fiction texts. Exactly the same question as the last test.

iMovie Trailers
Tomorrow you will begin working on your iMovie trailer for "The One and Only Ivan". If you were to make this book into a movie, what information would you give that would hook the viewer into seeing the movie? Think about it..... Before starting you must plan your ideas on the organizer.
Image result for imovieImage result for one and only ivan movie

  • Mind map and scrapbook due Friday
  • Wear green on Friday to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!
Image result for st. patrick's day

Happy Sixth Week of Summer! So far we have looked at the chance something could happen in terms of words (e.g. likely, impossible, unlik...