Thursday 24 May 2018

The volcanoes were absolutely MAGNIFICENT. Every group worked very hard each group showed great creativity. The grade 1/2 class thoroughly enjoyed your presentation.
What was the substance on the pennies called? Make sure you know!

Today we talked about the MEAN. The mean is the average. It's very similar to sharing. We used blocks to show why the strategy for finding the mean works.
For example, what is the mean of all the discount coupons?

If each block represents $1 and each stack represents a coupon, then the coupons would look like this:
If we shared all the blocks equally, then the stacks would look like this:
So the mean for the discount coupons is $2.

We can also use a pencil and paper method.
Step 1: Add all the numbers to get a total.
Step 2: Count the number of numbers you added.
Step 3: Total ÷ number of numbers = mean

1 + 1 +2 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 =$ 20 (Total)
$20 ÷ 10 (numbers) = $2

Here are some reasoning questions for both grade to try:
  • Create a set of 5 numbers that has a median of 19
  • Create a set of 6 numbers that has a mode of 11 and a median of 8
  • Create a set of 3 numbers that has a mode of 6 and a mean of 5

Social Studies
Grade 4s completed their discussion of the natural resources in Ancient Rome and Judea. We talked about SOIL, WATER, WOOD, STONE, CLAY AND METALS. One last comparison chart tomorrow.

Both grades will have a few days to work on assignments tomorrow.
Here is the clip on aqueducts:

Genius Hour
First day to start to put together project. Bring what you need. You will the the laptops to use.

  • Permission forms for Track and Field
  • Last day to bring school supplies for Uganda
  • Items for "Book-Lovers" basket
  • Off-Uniform day
  • Return assessment folders and math notebooks
  • Word Test on Monday

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