Monday, 23 October 2017

Today we talked about a new reading strategy, Main Idea. Remember, to start with what the story is about in a "nutshell" (the first part of writing summary), think about the message the author or the character is trying to teach or tell you and finally find proof in the text to support that "big idea" or message.

Here is your anchor chart:

Share with a parent the story of "Mr. Bear and the Bear". We had some a variety of messages. A good story will have more than one message, as long as you can support it with proof from the story. Tomorrow we will formulate a good answer to use as a model.

Review your reading test with a parent. Write your next steps in your assessment duo-tang.

Cut out your words and practice your sort. You may keep the words from last week or recycle them.

We played a few games today. Make sure you're using a strategy to find the 45 or 32 term of a pattern.
For growing patterns:

Example: What is the 43rd term with this pattern rule, start at 17 add 8 each time. If you add 8 ten times, you would be adding 80. 17 + 80 = 97. So the tenth term would be 97. The 20th term would be 97 + 80 = 177, the 30th term 177 + 80 = 257, the 40th term would be 257 + 80 = 337 . The 43rd term would be 337 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 361

For a repeating pattern:

Example: Find the 29th term in this repeating pattern, 3, 5, 8, 2, 3, 5, 8, 2. Every fourth number will be 2. so the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, 24th, 28th term will be 2 so the 29th term will be the next number in the repeating pattern which is 3.

Please review your math test with a parent. Write your next step in your assessment duo-tang.

We also did a very short number talk. You should be using mental math strategies to add two 2-digit numbers together. Our strategies include:
  • Making magic tens (give and take)
  • Adding place values
  • Doubles or near doubles
  • Adding in chunks
Keep practicing!

Learning Skills
Self-Regulation was the learning skill we are focusing on this week. Self-control is only one part of self-regulation. Setting goals and asking questions are very important as well. Make sure you've set a smart goal for the week:
Here's the link to the Cookie Monster Video:

Today we talked a little about adaptations. My apologies for uploading the wrong handout. Hopefully you kept your card in a safe place. Which creature has a second membrane over its eyes....
Remember there are two kinds of ADAPTATIONS, structural and behavioral. What is the difference between them? Can you give two examples of each?
Many of you saved your power point on a memory stick. You still have a few more periods to work on it at school. Next period I will teach you some nifty animations.

Blue information form
Fall Fun Fair tomorrow..... bring in your creations in the morning!

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