Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Today we wrote our anchor answer for main idea using "Mr. Bear and the Bear". All groups had a great message...... respecting others and nature....... not judging a book by its cover..... are both words of wisdom to live by. When you are asked to write the main idea using "Shin-chi's Canoe", make sure you follow the same format.

Nutshell                        +                        Message                 +                   Proof

Animated Good Idea Clipart

We began our Geometry unit today. We learned the different types of angles, how to construct angles and compare them to benchmark angles. Our benchmark angles are a right angle, half a right angle and a straight angle. For grade five, you also need to know the types of angles, right, acute and obtuse. Everyone seemed to understand how to construct angles using a PROTRACTOR. We will keep practicing tomorrow. Make sure you construct the five angles in your notebook.

In the above protractor the arm of the angle is lined up with the 0 degrees on the INSIDE SCALE. The angle is acute, so you know it must be less than 90 degrees. the angle is between 30 and 40 degrees so it is 35 degrees.

Acute angles are between 0 degrees and 90 degrees, obtuse angles are between 90 degrees and 180 degrees. Make sure you use the correct scale on the protractor.

Identify the angles below as acute or obtuse. Then read the protractor to get the measurement.

Music video for review:

Today we read "The Captain's Faith". Tomorrow you will be put in groups and decide who will play which role in the play. We will divide the play into two scenes. Each group will be given a scene. What was the message of the play? Why did Peter have the dream of eating "unclean" food? What did Cornelius do at the end?

We reviewed structural and behavioral adaptations and listed some examples of each. Please complete the questions at the bottom of the second page. Handsome little guy. Do a bit of research.
Here are a few desert animals. How have they adapted to living in the desert?

  • Library tomorrow
  • Bring gym clothes for Thursday
  • All money submitted for Halloween bowling!
  • Computer time to work on Power Point

Congratulations to all students who participated in the Fall Fun Fair. Your INITIATIVE did not go unnoticed!

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