Grade 4: Today we discussed the differences in education between Ancient Rome and Judea. In Judea, education was very faith-based. It centered around knowing and understanding the teachings in the Torah. In Ancient Rome it was more knowledge based. Did you go to school if you were a Jewish girl? How about a girl in Ancient Rome? Only if you were.... RICH!
Grade fives please make sure you complete your mind maps..... remember to be CREATIVE!
Data Test tomorrow. Please review your notebook and make corrections. Neatness (printing and colouring) are important when displaying information.
A more review questions for grade 5:
Check past posts for other review questions.
Remember to include on graphs:
1. Title (reflects subject of data)
2. Labels for horizontal and vertical axes
3.Choose a scale that makes your graph large and easy to read
4. To find an appropriate scale, use the range and the number of divisions on your graph paper
Genius Hour
Last day to complete project tomorrow. Good work today. About 5 students are finished.
- Dancefest Tuesday, June 5th @ 10:30. Wear black. If any parents would like to volunteer to help tape lightning bolts onto to black t-shirts, let me know!
- Family BBQ Wednesday, June 6th
- PD Day Friday, June 8th
- Class trip to Ontario Science Centre Tuesday, June 19th
- Return clean green Nighthawk shirt